Saturday, December 31, 2011

How To Recruit The Right Way On New Years Eve

Tonight, most of you will be out celebrating the new year. There will be parties all over town that you can go to. Maybe you have a party every year at your house.
Which ever party you plan to attend. Each of them will have one thing in common. Lots of people to talk to. And tons of people to recruit into your network marketing business.
Warning: You must follow these steps or you may get thrown out.
Haha, thrown out of new years eve party. Sound crazy huh, well I have been thrown out of 2 new years eve parties before. Why? because I was recruiting the wrong way.
Tonight your going to be at the party, you may have a few drinks, and everything is going good. You then may run into a stranger you have never met before. If this person asks you what you do. Please, for the love of grapes, do not spend the next 20 minutes talking about your companies products, or how great the compensation plan is.
Dumping your opportunity all over everyone is a huge “Party Foul” and may result in you getting the boot. Let’s be real, who wants to sit there and listen to someone talk about how great their products are. No one does so it’s so important to do it right.
When we are recruiting new people into our business, it’s like fishing. Fishing takes some patients, and the right skills. Fish are not smart, but they are not totally dumb.  First you drop a worm on a hook. This worm will wiggle around a bit on the hook to show the fish its live bait.
You as the fisherman will wait, and wait until you get that small little nibble. As the nibble continues you give the pole a small jerk. That’s to lodge the hook up in the mouth. You have the fish on the hook, but next you will slowly pull in that fish to the boat.
If I just yanked the fishing pole real hard the fist time I got a nibble, the fish would get away.
Remember fishing tonight when you’re talking with people. Be patient, pull in the hook, and real them in slowly.
If someone comes up to you and starts talking, ask them questions and keep asking them questions. Find out what kind of pain in their life they are having. See what is working, and not working for them. When you do find that pain, pull on the hook just a bit. Because the pain is what you will focus on the rest of the time. This is the time to pull them into the boat slowly.
The person may ask you, “What do you do?” Real quick say, “I teach others how to make a living using the Internet”. This is important. Don’t spend any time talking about yourself, give them the answer, and then move right back to their pain. Spend 99% of the time asking and listening to them. And 1% talking about yourself.
Your goal here is to find the big fish in the party. The one with the most pain and pull them into your boat. Asking them questions is how you slowly reel them in. By the end of the night you should have a business card, or a way to contact that person.
When that person goes home that night. I want them to think to themselves. Wow that Tyler sure does care about me. I bet he has some cool stuff I can learn on the Internet.
And that’s how you recruit the right way on this New Years eve. Make 2012 the best year ever for you!!
Click this link and I will give you the same strategy, a college drop out, used to build a 6 figure income in 6 months.

Friday, December 30, 2011

3 Ways to Incorporate MLM In Your Online Marketing

It’s funny looking back 20 years ago when I joined my first network marketing company. Back then, there was no such thing as online, offline marketing. You had one way to build MLM in your marketing, and that was offline.
This was a face to face, relationship type of business. And I got to honest with you. I was not very good at it. The success I had with network marketing, didn’t happen until I started to incorporate MLM in my online marketing efforts. When you combine both online and offline marketing, you have a very successful business.
Online marketing your MLM business, is just using the technology we have today, like email, social media, and videos. These are a few marketing strategies we get to tap into, and build our business.
Here are a few ways to ad MLM in your online marketing.
1. Start a blog
Yes get yourself a blog, it’s really what all the cool people are doing. I joke, but it’s the truth. Blogs are great for creating content you can put out to the world. Each day you can write an article, or post a video.
If you want to attract the best target market for your MLM business, then post relevant content. There are tons of people in MLM that are not having any success. Build a blog to help them. Create content on ways to generate more leads, get more traffic, or how to do videos. Your subscribers will love you for it.
2. Setup a landing page
Collecting your own MLM leads is what will set you apart, from the others, who are struggling to get their business off the ground. A landing page is nothing more than simple one page website. On this page you will have 2 things. One is something to give away for free. This could be an ebook, or video series. Second have a way to collect a name and email.
You give away something for free, in return you get a name and email. This will be your lead list. The leads you collect will go into an autoresponder that will send out daily updates.  These are your own leads, and is the best way for you to build rapport with your list.
3. Video Marketing
Just put that fear under the table. I know, when you looked at the title, video marketing, the first thing that pops in your mind is. “NO, I just can’t put my face on camera”. Well its not that bad, and over time you get good at it.
The reason I want you to start video marketing, is because videos get ranked very high in the search engines. At the bottom of your video, in the description, is a place to put a link back to your website. Since videos are ranked very high in the search engines, this means there will be a ton of traffic back to your blog, or landing page.
You could also get a program called camtasia, or screenflow. These 2 pieces of software will record your computer screen. Make a PowerPoint presentation, talk into the microphone, and you now have a video. This would be for those of you that just can’t see yourself talking in front of the camera.
With all this new traffic you built using your new strategies, what are you going to do with it?  Its time to generate Free Leads that you can use in your business.  Here is a system already for you to just plug into.  Lead capture pages, autoresponders, everything is ready to go for you.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

How To Create Your First Blog In 10 Simple To Do Steps

Getting your first blog up on the Internet is one of the best ways to either make money, or have a hobby for yourself. I’m in to making money, so we can stick with that topic. If you want to have a blog for a hobby, these simple steps will also work.
Blogging is something that is not new, but many still are sitting on the sidelines waiting. I say, “get in there, go for it”! You will get a huge reward from blogging, that you may not have known existed. Your blog with create value for others and intern will make you a good living, if you put in the time.
Yes blogging does require time and effort. Daily activity is required.
Here are 10 simple steps to setting up your first blog.
1. Find Your Passion
Find what you have a passion for. This could be anything. If you like to build model airplanes. Then blog about it. I love the network marketing industry and that is my passion. Without finding your passion, you will have a hard time coming up with quality content. So find what you like the most, and go for it.
2. What are your Goals?
Set up some goals for yourself. What do you want to accomplish in the next 6 -12 months with your blog. Put down on paper what you want to accomplish. Have a clear vision in mind of how you will see your blog in the future.
3. Look at Other Blogs
Go out and search around the Internet to see what others are doing. Try to find other similar blogs with the same passion you have. Get an idea of what others are writing about. See how they are interacting with their readers. Look at the way the blog is setup. Getting a feel for what others are doing, will help with your blog setup.
4. Blogging Software
There really is only one software that you should even look at. WordPress is a free software platform that will build and organize your blog for huge success. And not to worry, push a few buttons, and the software is installed. When you get a new hosting account, there will be a backoffice platform for setting up this software. Ask your host to give you a hand with this setup. It’s so simple a caveman can do it.
5. Get a Domain
Domain is not as important as many people would have you believe. Try and find a domain with the keyword that best matches your passion. If you are into network marketing, try and find a domain with your name in it. Getting a domain is also very easy, and I recommend namecheap for your domain register. Do a search for this service in google.
6. Customize Your Blog
Once you have the domain and blog setup, it’s time to make it look good. If you do a search for free wordpress templates, about 10 or so good websites will come up. Find a good theme for your blog and upload it to your wordpress backoffice. This is also something you don’t have to spend a whole lot of time on. Just get something that you feel will look decent.
7. Install Plugins
Plugins are what make the whole wordpress blogging experience worth it. You can find just about any plugin, to do just about anything you want. Here are a few plugins that should be a must for your webiste. Google sitemap, SEO platinum, social media plugin, facebook plugin, wp to twitter.
8. About Page
Spend a few minutes putting together information about yourself. This doesn’t have to be in depth. Just some key stats about your life. People want to know who is the person behind the blog they are reading each day. The about page will give your readers the information they want.
9. Start Posting
Its all put together and now it’s time to post. Each day you should get something up on your blog. Write 400-800 word blog post about new topics you feel will help others. You want your readers to come back for more each day. So make sure your content is of high value to them.
10. Marketing
The last part of your blogging steps is to market it. Get the word out about your new blog. Google is going to visit your blog each day and index all your new content. But its still important you let others know about your content. The best ways to market your new blog is to head over to your social media websites. Facebook and twitter are going to be the 2 best places to market your new blog. As your traffic from these sites increases, the more money you can start to make with your blog.
With all this new traffic you built using your new strategies, what are you going to do with it?  Its time to generate Free Leads that you can use in your business.  Here is a system already for you to just plug into.  Lead capture pages, autoresponders, everything is ready to go for you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dead Solid Ways to Get More Website Traffic

Building your MLM business requires you to use both online, and offline marketing techniques. I want to discuss with you online techniques for building your business.
Most of you should have a blog setup, if not get one. They are super simple to get going, and over the course of 6 months you can have a very popular website.
Some people ask me, “is it better to have leads coming in or website traffic”. I say you cant get any leads without traffic. Website traffic is nothing more than people coming to your website to get more information about you. Once the traffic is flowing then you can work on generating leads.
I have put together my favorite list of ways to generate more traffic. And I will start with the best and work my way down.
1. Search Engine Traffic.
Search engines are by far the best traffic to get to your website. Each day the search engines will spider your website looking for updated information they can index. Once there is new content, the search engines will then index your page. This allows others to do a search, and find your new content.
Over time your pages will start to get ranked higher, and that will give you tons of fresh traffic coming to you daily. But it’s important you setup your pages correctly. If your using wordpress for your blog, then make sure to have a good SEO plugin. These plugins will make sure you have your title correct, meta keywords, and description of your page. Search engines are not that smart, and need to be told what to do. Your Search Engine Optimization will give the search engines exactly what they want. In return for giving the search engines all the data they need, you will start to get massive amounts of traffic as a reward.
2. Pay Per Click
If you noticed on the right hand side of both google and facebook will be sponsored advertisements. You get to place your own ad on these websites.
PPC traffic is instant. Meaning you get traffic the exact moment your ad goes live. But you pay for this space. I have seen clicks cost anywhere from $.10 to $3.00. It all depends on the keyword you choose.
Finding the right keywords to bid on is crucial to your success with PPC. If you said, “I want to bid on the keyword “Youtube”. Well you would be out hundreds of dollars, and no conversions.
If you bid on the keyword “Network Marketing Training”. Then you would be getting a very low click rate and high conversions. PPC is something that you need to test and test, until you find the right combination of keywords. But when you do find that right keyword, look for a huge amount of website traffic.
3. Social Media
Traffic coming from social media sites like facebook, twitter, and now google plus, will be a great source. This is all free traffic, and there is so much of it waiting to be grabbed.
If you are trying to build traffic to your MLM blog, build up a social presence around other people interested in MLM. Build up a friend base of other network marketers. These people will then be open to looking at your trainings. And you can throw in your opportunity also, but dont go over board spamming your link all over the place.
Once you build up a huge target market of followers, your website traffic will get you some very high conversions.
With all this new traffic you built using your new strategies, what are you going to do with it?  Its time to generate Free Leads that you can use in your business.  Here is a system already for you to just plug into.  Lead capture pages, autoresponders, everything is ready to go for you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Choose the Right MLM Business for Your Success

If you are going into business for yourself, then it’s important you choose the right opportunity. Finding the right MLM business will be the most important step you take for long term success.
If you wanted to open up your own sub sandwich shop. You would do tons of research, to find out what is the best opportunity. As an example, a subway franchise is $80k to start. Spending that kind of money would require you to do long, hard research. If you made a bad decision then you would be out your $80k, and I bet no one wants to lose that kind of money.
The same is true with finding the right MLM business. It’s important to do your research before jumping in. Just because the entry to get in is low, does not mean you can jump in without any knowledge of the opportunity. Yes, most MLM business are between $100 and $500. If you lost that much it would not put a huge dent in your wallet. But I don’t like to lose any money, and I am sure you do not as well.
I have put together some things you can use in your research of a good MLM Business.
1. Product Must be In Demand
Any business you get into will require you to sell some type of product. No business will exist without some form of product or service being sold.
Products will move faster out of your hand, if you can find something that the masses want. The new year is coming up, and what do people usually say for their new years resolution?  “I want more money” or “I want to lose weight”
Every year it’s the same, and I bet it will go on for a very long time like that. So products that either give people more money, and let them lose weight will always do well.
A great tool to find out what would be a hot product, is to use google insight tool. Do a search for insight tool on google. This is a free service that lets you put in any keyword, and see what is popular. You can put in up to 5 different keywords, and see what comes up. Add in stuff like, health, money, travel, etc.. Start with those, and then keep expanding. Health products, diet products, weight loss products. You will see what products would be in high demand.
2. Make sure the MLM Business has Growth Potential.
See if the product you choose will have the ability to have growth potential. The product should still be in high demand 2,5, or even 10 years down the road. Will people still want what you have in a few years? It would be no fun if you built up this business, and then find out in 2 years that the product is not in demand anymore.
3. Opportunity must be around a few years.
I never look at a MLM business if it hasn’t been around for a least 10 years. Try not to get caught up in the ground floor opportunity hype. Companies that are just getting started have to build a foundation first. Since most businesses fail in the first 5 years. It makes sense to let others take the risk with a start up.
Your goal is to see yourself still building the same business 10 years down the road. The company must be solid before you step foot into it.
A 10 year old MLM Business has worked out all the bugs, and kinks that go with any new company. You can also see others that are having good success, and learn from them.
If you can find a company that is 10 years old, debt free, high demand products, and the same management from the beginning. Well then you have a winner and should jump right in.
Your “Upline” Just Doesn’t Know This Stuff, and It’s Killing YOUR Business…
Get the Right Training Today.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Here are 8 Little-Known MLM Marketing Secrets You Can Use Today

I get the question “are there really MLM marketing secrets”? And I always respond by saying no.
There are no secrets, but when you are new to MLM, you will find information you just don’t know yet. People see others having big success in there MLM business, and they think there must be some sort of secret. It’s no secret, its just knowledge you need to learn.
Network marketing is one of the best ways to start your own business, and get out of the job rat race you may be in. It takes time and effort. And If you follow these 8 simple “secrets” you will do well.
1. Pick a company and stick with it.
Find one MLM company, and stay with it for 10-20 years. Bouncing around from company to company will not get you success. Pick a company that you like, and then go to work.
2. Work on yourself.
We have many years of school that has conditioned us into a robot like state. It’s important you work on yourself to break out of the state. Find motivational speakers like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins. Get their audio programs, then listen to them over and over each day. They will get your mind on the right path for MLM success.
3. Learn the skills
There are some skills you need to pickup. Things like, “the right way to talk to people about your opportunity”, or “how to generate leads using the Internet”. These skills are going to make your MLM success very duplicatable to the people you sponsor. Duplication is the key to your success, so learn that one skill.
4. Consistent Productivity
Each day you need to be productive. Set up some goals for yourself each day. How may people are you going to talk to? How many phone calls to leads? How much marketing online each day are you going to do? If you are only working on these skills once a week, your going to have a hard time with your MLM success. Be consistent and productive every day.
5. Work smarter and harder than your competition
I like to think, your only competition is yourself. But there are others who you should think about. Other people have the same dreams as you. Learn to figure out what they are doing and work that much harder. Think about your competition and ask yourself this. “If they are putting in 3 hours a day on their MLM business, I need to put in 4 hours”.
6. Solve problems
Network marketing is just that, Marketing. We think we have to be this great salesperson in our MLM business. But we don’t. Just find problems people are having and solve them. Most of the problem are Money and No Time. Show others how your opportunity will solve those 2 problems.
7. Always create Value for Others.
Zig Ziggler said it best. “Help enough people get what they want, and you can have Everything you want”.  Creating value for others is about helping them to succeed. If you get 5 people who you personally sponsored into your MLM business to the top levels in the company. I promise, you will be a huge success.
8. Never give up
Lance Armstrong said it best. “Pain is Temporary, Quitting is Forever” You will achieve your dreams, but only if you never quit. The road to success in your MLM business is going to be hard. I’m not going to sugar coat it. But if you follow these 8 steps, and never quit. Well then all the problems you think you have now, will disappear.
Your “Upline” Just Doesn’t Know This Stuff, and It’s Killing YOUR Business…
Get the Right Training Today.
If you want Big success with your primary network marketing company it requires first branding yourself and lead generation. Learn to become and Alpha Networker and build your MLM downline faster both online and offline.
Get online training to help you Sponsor more Reps is now available with Tyler Pratt

Sunday, December 25, 2011

3 Christmas Day Tips to Generate Free Network Marketing Leads

Today is Christmas. A day to relax and give back.
I always feel that the holiday season is the best time to build your MLM business. Many people are feeling the pressure to buy gifts, and take vacations. This pressure builds because money is flowing out faster than coming in. With this pressure you will find tons of people looking online for opportunities.
The new year is around the corner, and that is the time when everyone wants to either make more money or change the way they look. Health and Money go hand in hand during the holidays.
Building a network marketing business is the one true opportunity to make more money. It gives the average person the ability to build a team that will produce residual income each month.
To build a large network marketing team requires you connect with the masses. Its a numbers game, and you are looking for the gems. Fortunately we don’t have to talk to everyone within 3 feet of us anymore like the old day. We have the Internet, and its world wide ability to connect everyone together.
Finding leads and then connecting with the masses has become very simple with all the new technology. Social media has allowed anyone to connect instantly with everyone. This means you can generate huge amounts of free leads.
Here are 3 simple tools, on this Christmas Day, you can use to generate an endless amounts of leads.
1. Article marketing.
Search engines love content, and the more you create the more traffic you will build to your website. If you have a blog, then articles will be your main source of content. Article directories will be your 2nd source of instant traffic. Write an MLM article about anything that will help others. Product reviews, company reviews, mlm how to’s, reviews on leaders. There are so many different topics you can choose from.
2. Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Linked in. These are the top website for social interacting with others. Build a list of friends that are interested in becoming successful in there life. This list will be your target prospects. But do it right. Don’t be like all the other 99% of the people pitching their products. You know the ones that send you emails talking about the next big thing. Or when you get a chat message and link inside. Marketing techniques like that don’t work.
Be like the 1% leaders that are helping others. Put a link to your article on facebook. Add in content that people will love to read about.
3. Video Marketing
Put the camera in front of you and make a video, then upload it to Youtube. I know its fearful, but just do it. Video marketing is another great form of content the search engines love. Take the same article you wrote and create a video from that content. Youtube is another great way to get free traffic to your website.
Thèse 3 techniques are going to give you a lot of traffic. Once you get the traffic it’s important you capture the leads. Do you know how to setup a lead capture page? Or setup an autoresponder? Here is some training that will help you get started with your lead capture.
If you want Big success with your primary network marketing company it requires first branding yourself and lead generation. Learn to become and Alpha Networker and build your MLM downline faster both online and offline.
Get online training to help you Sponsor more Reps is now available with Tyler Pratt

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is Social Media Marketing and How Can It Help You MLM Business

When we think of social media the first thing that comes to our mind is Facebook. For good reason, it’s the biggest of them all. But facebook is not the only website for social media.
Getting traffic to our website, and leads are the main focus we use social media marketing. Twitter, digg, stumbleupon, these are just a few of the many other websites out there. Social sites are simply other people getting together chatting, and recommending their friends to fun places.
Setting up your social media marketing for mlm is all about getting in front of your target market. Your target market is other network marketing people. Why? because 97% of the people fail at network marketing, and these people need help. You come in and give them solutions to their problems.
People love high quality content and when you give it to them, they will give your link to there friends. Have you ever gotten a recommendation from a friend to eat at new restaurant? This restaurant has high quality service and food. It makes it simple for your friends to talk about the restaurant. The same is true with social media marketing. The higher quality of your content the more likely you will have your links to go viral.
If you look at facebook and the wall you get to post anything on to. This is the place you get to post your links to your website. If your in mlm you should be writing articles that will help your fellow mlmer. These new articles on your blog will be posted on your facebook wall. If you have a strong following of target people, many will click on your link.
Use the many social media plugins for wordpress on your blog. Then when people visit your site and read your information they can click on a few buttons and it’s posted on the wall. There are many social plugins for twitter, facebook, digg, and linked in. These are free plugins that will increase the rate at which people recommend your links.
If you want to automate much of your social media marketing, there are websites like onlywire and tribepro. These are places that will send out your links to over 30 different social media websites automatically. This really cuts down on all the manual link building.
Its even been said that the search engines are starting to rank your website higher in the search results on your social media presence. Google plus is a new tool that lets others give you a plus for your social activity. The more social you are the more pluses you get. If your always posting quality content then you should get a ton of pluses. This then should give you a better ranking in the search engines.
To really be successful with social media marketing it’s important to be consistent on a daily basis. Constantly update your social sites with new content. Over time this will add up to give you a ton of new traffic each day.
Aren’t you tired of watching everyone else make a fortune on facebook but you? Here is a FREE 86 minute webinar that is a Full-Loaded facebook training. Step by Step training that will teach you everything you must know to make money on facebook starting today! Click this link and start your Free training.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Facebook Marketing Will Boost Your Business Tenfold

I spend a few hours a day on facebook, and I see so many people marketing the wrong way. Facebook is a social site. It’s not an advertising platform, unless you pay. Social media is just that, be social. Many people will spend all day just trying to promote there network marketing companies. And that is not the way to build a following on facebook.
If you’re at a bar with friends, your not spending all night promoting your opportunity. Your being social with your friends. The same is true with facebook marketing. It requires someone to build there business being social and letting others get to know them.
Facebook does a great job of cutting down on the way we grow our profiles. Back a few years ago myspace was the big social media website. Myspace was huge, but there biggest flaw was they let people build up a profile of endless amount of people. This led to the downfall of Myspace because everyone was creating these huge lists of friends, just to blast out there opportunity.
There are 5 key areas you can follow with facebook marketing to help build your mlm business.
1. Interesting Profile
Make your profile fun and interesting. Most of the people you become friends with, will be others you will never meet in person. Let them know you are someone they would like to hang out with. If you have your suit an tie on in your profile, your not going to get much attention. Be yourself and not a stiff boring person. Be fun and active and others will want to be a part of that energy.
2. Post Value
When posting on your facebook wall always post value. Post stuff that others will benefit from. Or stuff that will be uplifting to others. Never post anything on your wall that is selling. No one likes a salesman and posting your opportunity on your wall is a salesman.
Talk about stuff you are doing each day. Tell others some stories you just heard. Post some famous quotes. If you are always posting value for others you will find your friends will want to come back each day.
3. Be Helpful
When your posting on groups, your profile, or other fanpages, be helpful to others. We are in the network marketing niche and many people are struggling to make it work for them. You can be the solution to there problems by helping others. When you see a question from people answer it without trying to sell your products.
4. Create a Group
When creating a group, it should have a relevant name. I recommend you use your own name as the group. Since you are building your network marketing business you can start a group with your name that helps others. Most people will only join your group if its informative and always is being updated by you or the members.
5. Be Active
Friends need to see you active on facebook. If you are only on facebook once a week its going to be hard to build up your status. Being active should be posting, max 5 posts per day. Anymore than that, it’s to much, and people will start to ignore you. Let others see you active when you post on other profiles or groups. Eventually your following will grow. As your profile starts to grow, the more traffic you will be able to send to your website.
Aren’t you tired of watching everyone else make a fortune on facebook but you? Here is a FREE 86 minute webinar that is a Full-Loaded facebook training. Step by Step training that will teach you everything you must know to make money on facebook starting today! Click this link and start your Free training.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Having Trouble Writing Articles? Follow This Quick Start Method

You may have heard that content creation is the single best way to build traffic to your website. The more traffic you get the more leads you can get for your business.
Writing articles is just one way to create content, and its the most popular. Look at all the article directories online. These directories have hundreds of thousand of articles.
What is the reason we create so much content? Because the search engines love content, so why not give it to them. Google is a beast and it needs to be feed daily.
But the only way you will be successful is if you are consistent. You cant just write 4 articles, post them on your blog, and hope for the best. No you have to give the search engines daily content. You will then be rewarded for you effort with higher ranking. With higher rankings in the search engines, the more traffic you will receive.
Here are 4 ways to help you write more articles.
1. Pick your Time
Find a time in the day that you are at your peak state. For me I do all my article writing in the morning. I get to hit the gym, get a workout, and then head home to start my articles. This is a great time because the kids are at school, and I have the whole house to myself. Plus I’m super motivated from my workout.
The time of day can be different you. You may be working all day and have to wait until you get home. Just try and find a least an hour to write a few articles every day. When you first get started writing your articles, your motivation level may not be as high. But over time, you will get into a rhythm of writing the article. And before you know it, you pump out 2-3 articles within a hour.
2. Find the needs
Planning your time will make the writing of your articles go that much smoother. Before you put any words to a notepad go find what others are searching for. My niche is network marketing so I will use google keyword to find out what others are searching for on a daily basis. Usually peoples needs are they want more traffic, or more leads, and training. These are their needs, and it will help me put together better information inside my article.
3. What you know
Only create article about stuff you already know. You know a lot, so writing the article will not be a problem. People will run into stumbling blocks when they first research, and then write articles on topics they know nothing about. If you are a good at golf then always write article about everything golf. If you have never played the game of golf, then your going to have a hard time writing about it. Stick with what you know and your articles will turn out great.
4. Write from the Heart
If you are having a hard time putting together articles each day then loosen up a bit. Write from the heart. Have a conversational tone. Just start typing away on your keyboard with what every comes to your mind the first. Engage with your audience as you are writing. Ask a question, tell a story. Make your articles sound like your having a conversation with a friend at the bar.
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Free Facebook Traffic - How To Use An Untapped Source

I’m not going to go into to much detail about how much traffic facebook gets on a daily basis. But let me just toss out one statistic. 60 million users on facebook update there profile each day. That means at least 60 million are on facebook each and ever day. So you can imagine all the other people on facebook each day that don’t update there profile.
Its a staggering number to think about. And all these people are potential traffic you can send to your website. You have 2 options, and I want to touch on both of them. There is free traffic you generate from fangpages, your personal profile, and paid traffic from sponsored ads.
With both of the traffic sources your main focus is on your target market. If your unsure of your target market, just ask yourself who are the people I want to visit my website. My niche is network marketing. The people I want to visit my site, are other network marketers. Find your niche crowd, its important before you can start working on generating traffic to your site.
Free traffic from facebook is created using your profile and fanpage. With your profile, you will want to start sending out friend requets. Do a search for network marketing company names or what your particular niche is. Then go through and start to friend everyone on the company fanpage or group.
Warning… Only friend 5 people per hour, and do not go over 20 total for the day. Facebook does not let you go wild on sending friend requests, so you have to stay under the radar.
Your fanpage will be an extension of your profile and should be filled with other network marketing people. Getting people to “like” your fanpage will be simple if you are adding valuable content to your page.
Your whole goal with your profile and fanpage is to get a ton of people. But not just any people, your target market. As your building up your profiles you can be posting information on your wall each day. Post links to articles, post videos, ask questions. Do what every can to get people to engage in your wall. Your wall is the place to get others to click to your website. If you are giving away valuable content, then they will want to click your links to see what you have to offer.
Now that we have free traffic from facebook, its time to talk a bit about paid traffic.
Facebook PPC is your way to buy sponsored ads on the right hand side of facebook. These ads will give you instant traffic, but you have to be very careful. You want to pay the least amount of money for the click you receive.
Building your ad will be for others to see and want to click through to your website. The way you do that is to have a cool picture. Ask a question in the headline. Then have a story in the body of your text. The story should be about what your website landing page is all about.
I need to stress a very important step in your Facebook PPC campaigns. The traffic you buy should be sent to a lead capture page. Always capture a name and email so you can follow up. Each click has to make a profit so you can reinvest it back into buying more ads.
To get the best converting traffic use the targeting in step 2 of your ad creation. Narrow down the people you want to target on facebook. Something like this. 30 year old male, united states, single, interested in mlm leads. That will be a very targeted ad, and will give you great conversions.
Aren’t you tired of watching everyone else make a fortune on facebook but you? Discover how this FaceBook Queen Built Her 6-Figure Business in 6 months, Retired Her Husband from a Healthy Corporate America Salary, and Signed up 32 Reps in the Last 50 Days at a $500.00 Buy-In ALL via FaceBook Marketing!

Friday, December 9, 2011

5 Little-Known Secrets to Unlock Your Network Marketing Success with MLM Training

Finding MLM training will never be a problem for the new person getting involved with network marketing.    But getting just any old training may not be helping you succeed.     There are many old school MLM marketers that are teaching outdated training models.
Today we have the Internet and building a network marketing business is much easier than it was just 10 years ago.    Getting the right training is important, and its also important to find the right people who will deliver that training.
When I got started with my MLM business there was no Internet.   What my upline leaders said for me to do was to place classified ads in the local paper, and get them to show up for a meeting.  This meeting was a presentation for the MLM business.   The problem with that was most of the people looking in the classified section all wanted jobs.   So most would show up and leave when they realized it was not for a paying job.
If you followed this type of training today, you would have a hard time building your business.  So I don’t always agree with others when they say go find a successful person and do what they do.   If I modeled that same program today, I would not be successful.
Today we have a whole new set of ways to connect with people.  We are not limited to just our local community.  We have the whole world to connect with now.    Here are 5 concepts that may help with your MLM training.
1.  Success is in the Numbers
To have a successful mlm business, your going to have to understand that sponsoring large numbers of people, will get you the results you desire.    Back 20 years, you could sponsor 30 people front line to you, and be a success. Today that model does not work, you need larger numbers of people to have any leverage.
What is great is that today we have the opportunity to sponsor, very large amounts of people for the same effort 20 years ago.    Today you can sponsor 40 people per month with the same effort it would have taken you 3 years from before.
2. Leverage with Technology
Learn how to leverage your business using the technology we have available to us today.    You have 2 choices.  You can wander around the streets and talk to anyone within 3 feet of you.   Or you can have a system that will sort through hundreds of people each day and get you to the ones that are serious about success.  I would choose the 2nd option.
3. Leads with Social Media
Learn to use the power of social media to generate a daily stream of leads.    Social media today is just like how powerful PPC was with google in the first part of 2000’s.   People made a fortune with PPC and now you can use social media to do the same.   A good friend of mine sponsors 2-3 new reps into her primary company using only social media.  Those are good numbers.
4. Mentor with Successful People
Look for a mentor who is having success today.   I understand there are great upline mentors who want to help you with their training.  But they are using old school techniques that are outdated.    Find a mentor who is having success today.  Using technology from today and not from 5 years ago.   Technology changes very fast, and what worked just a few short years ago, may not be working today.   A good mentor will know what is working now.
5. Never Quit
I know it can be very easy to just quit.   But quiting is easy, and building a business is not.    You have to stick with it to succeed.  That means, no changing companies.  Find a company you know will be around for the long haul and get to work.  Your chance of success is guaranteed if you stick with it and never quit.
When you get the right training from the right people, MLM success rate’s go way up.   Find a mentor that will guide you in the right direction.
Your “Upline” Just Doesn’t Know This Stuff, and It’s Killing YOUR Business…
Get the Right Training Today.