Sunday, December 25, 2011

3 Christmas Day Tips to Generate Free Network Marketing Leads

Today is Christmas. A day to relax and give back.
I always feel that the holiday season is the best time to build your MLM business. Many people are feeling the pressure to buy gifts, and take vacations. This pressure builds because money is flowing out faster than coming in. With this pressure you will find tons of people looking online for opportunities.
The new year is around the corner, and that is the time when everyone wants to either make more money or change the way they look. Health and Money go hand in hand during the holidays.
Building a network marketing business is the one true opportunity to make more money. It gives the average person the ability to build a team that will produce residual income each month.
To build a large network marketing team requires you connect with the masses. Its a numbers game, and you are looking for the gems. Fortunately we don’t have to talk to everyone within 3 feet of us anymore like the old day. We have the Internet, and its world wide ability to connect everyone together.
Finding leads and then connecting with the masses has become very simple with all the new technology. Social media has allowed anyone to connect instantly with everyone. This means you can generate huge amounts of free leads.
Here are 3 simple tools, on this Christmas Day, you can use to generate an endless amounts of leads.
1. Article marketing.
Search engines love content, and the more you create the more traffic you will build to your website. If you have a blog, then articles will be your main source of content. Article directories will be your 2nd source of instant traffic. Write an MLM article about anything that will help others. Product reviews, company reviews, mlm how to’s, reviews on leaders. There are so many different topics you can choose from.
2. Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Linked in. These are the top website for social interacting with others. Build a list of friends that are interested in becoming successful in there life. This list will be your target prospects. But do it right. Don’t be like all the other 99% of the people pitching their products. You know the ones that send you emails talking about the next big thing. Or when you get a chat message and link inside. Marketing techniques like that don’t work.
Be like the 1% leaders that are helping others. Put a link to your article on facebook. Add in content that people will love to read about.
3. Video Marketing
Put the camera in front of you and make a video, then upload it to Youtube. I know its fearful, but just do it. Video marketing is another great form of content the search engines love. Take the same article you wrote and create a video from that content. Youtube is another great way to get free traffic to your website.
Thèse 3 techniques are going to give you a lot of traffic. Once you get the traffic it’s important you capture the leads. Do you know how to setup a lead capture page? Or setup an autoresponder? Here is some training that will help you get started with your lead capture.
If you want Big success with your primary network marketing company it requires first branding yourself and lead generation. Learn to become and Alpha Networker and build your MLM downline faster both online and offline.
Get online training to help you Sponsor more Reps is now available with Tyler Pratt

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